
Sarianna Rimpeläinen
Jäsenpalvelu- ja koulutusassistentti
RIL ry
sarianna.rimpelainen@ril.fi 050 308 4785

Contact information
Visiting Address: RIL ry, Fredrikinkatu 42, 2nd floor, 00100 Helsinki.
The staff’s email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname@ril.fi.
For general inquiries, you can also send us an email at ril@ril.fi.
Following the current standard practice, we work in a hybrid model, both remotely and on-site at the office. Please arrange your visit to the office in advance.
Christmas Time 2024: Our office will be closed from December 23, 2024, to January 3, 2025.
The RIL logo is on the entrance door of the building. When you enter through the outer doors, press the intercom button labeled “RIL” in front of the sliding door. Walk to the end of the hallway after the glass doors. After the next set of glass doors, climb the stairs to the 2nd floor.
If you are coming to our office by car, we recommend the P-CityForum Europark. The parking garage floor plan is here. The nearest exit from the parking garage is on Fredrikinkatu. Once outside, the office entrance is to the left, through the parking garage door.
Welcome to RIL!
Billing address
RIL ry
Verkkolaskutusosoite: 003701169924
Operaattori: Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487)
Y-tunnus: 0116992-4
RIL ry
PL 16112