Pictures of the event
Keynote presentations
Please click the names below to find the keynote presentation slides.
We will add the rest of the keynote slides as soon as possible!
Randy Deutch
Toni Luhti
Jaan Saar
Cristina Savian
Presentation at the Get together
WDBE 2020
29.-30.9.2020, Helsinki / Tallinn
Next year the third World Summit on Digital Built Environment will take place in Helsinki and Tallinn.
Throughout the upcoming year public and private sector pioneers, citizens, artists and activists will together share, co-create and test their most sustainable, innovative and future-oriented visions and concepts to imagine the fictional fantasy metropolis of Talsinki/Hellinna.
If you are ready to think big and make the dream come true, subscribe the WDBE updates to be the first in line to book your trip to the twin city of the future!
For Whom and five reasons to attend
WDBE is not a passive conference. It’s an active 2-day journey to discover what the current and future challenges of city development are and how to come up with the best solutions with a 360 approach: citizens, private companies, public entities, ecology, mobility etc.
You should join WDBE because:
- Meet top talent from the public and private sector: decision makers, researchers, influencers, legislators etc. WDBE is a place of discussion and a place of action!
- Our keynotes: speakers coming from the strongest players will take the stage to share their experience and insights. Microsoft, Amazon, Google and the presentation of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia, Mr. Jaan Saar, a country leading the e-citizen revolution! And more!
- WDBE includes excursions: theory is nice but walking on new spots in Helsinki and discussing then and there the why and how of any space is unique. Nothing beats onsite experience!
- Your voice: our program includes parallel sessions and workshops, and tens of presentations that were submitted by professionals and experts.
- Influence the future: our theme is not only a place-holder title. WDBE will raise industry questions, force the audience to face challenges and lay the ground for action points and solutions. We can build better inclusive cities, we can create a better urban future.
Martin Bishop
TechBD Manager EMEA, Amazon Web Services, UK
Ulrik Branner
Board & Executive, LetsBuild (formerly GenieBelt), Denmark
Toni Luhti
Chief Executive Officer, Platform of Trust, Finland
Minna Perähuhta
Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Jaan Saar
Head of Digital Construction, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
Lu Ying
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, Future Urban Living, China/Finland