Tiistaina 3.10.2017
LCI-päivä 2017
Hilton Helsinki Airport
Lentäjänkuja 1, 01530 Vantaa
Oikeudet muutoksiin pidätetään. Case-puheenvuorot pidetään englanniksi.
8.00 |
Rekisteröinti aukeaa, aamukahvi |
09.00 |
Avauspuheenvuoro |
09.15 |
Aikataulua kiristämällä parempaa laatua? |
09.45 |
Työmaan normiongelmien poisto reaaliaikaisella paikannuksella |
10.45 |
Tauko |
11.00 |
Digitalisaatio työntekijän näkökulmasta - Case Suffolk Construction |
11.45 |
Lounas |
12.45 |
Taloteknisen suunnittelun uudet haasteet |
13.30 |
Tauko |
13.45 |
Ryhmätyö: Suunnittelijan ja urakoitsijan yhteistyö |
15.00 |
Iltapäiväkahvi |
15.15 |
Digitalisaatio työntekijän näkökulmasta - Case Turner Construction |
16.15 |
Tilaisuuden yhteenveto ja päätös: LCI Finland |
16.30 |
Tilaisuus päättyy |
About the International Keynotes
Frank Haase
VP Operations
Suffolk Construction, San Fransisco, USA
Frank Haase has over 18 years of interdisciplinary construction experience including 6 years of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) experience including research, development and implementation of VDC processes on corporate and project level. He has worked as a designer, General Contractor and Subcontractor, Department Leader and Project Executive.
After working for a design firm in Germany, Mr. Haase moved to the US to work for a general contractor on some of the most prestigious construction projects in the San Francisco Bay Area such as the Lucas Digital Arts Campus, The Cathedral of Christ the light and The Transbay Terminal in San Francisco. Currently Mr. Haase oversees the construction of several high-rise projects in the San Francisco Bay Area totaling $1 Billion. All projects are planned and executed using 5D processes.
Viktor Bullain
Lean Coach
Basel, Switzerland
Viktor is a Lean strategy coach with over 18 years of experience. He co-founded Vico Software, the maker of the first fully integrated 5D BIM platform, and most recently he was a Regional Lean Manager at Turner Construction Co, USA. At Turner he was responsible for developing strategy for lean transformation and innovation integration, and he coached project teams responsible for over $1 Billion of annual revenue.
Viktor was named Top 20 under 40 by Engineering News Record California (ENR) for his leadership in innovation and contributions to community education.
Currently Viktor lives in Basel, Switzerland. He collaborates with clients in the pharma, technology and construction industry.