Tampere is within easy reach by plane, train, bus or car. In the city most hotels and attractions are within walking distance from each other and easy to reach. In case you don’t want to walk, Tampere public transportation takes you where ever you want go within the region. Jump on a local bus, or tram, and explore the city!

Click here for information how to reach Tampere



Tampere is defined by unique characteristics: it is surrounded by beautiful lakes and eskers, it has a perfect scale for walking and there’s always something new and innovative going on. The centre of the city is dominated by industrial heritage; the national landscpape of Tammerkoski rapids and historical red brick buildings. 

From the cultural point of view, Tampere is defined by our local treats of black sausage with lingonberry sauce and the world’s best doughnuts, morning coffee at Laukontori Market Square enjoyed in a small lake breeze, our imaginative museums, events after events, vibrant cool laziness and the fact that we are the sauna capital of the world.

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Tampere-talo Ltd was established in 1987, and the doors of the cultural and congress center were opened to the public in 1990. Tampere-talo Ltd is a limited company owned by the city of Tampere. The CEO of the company is Paulina Ahokas and the chairman of the board is Kristiina Michelsson.

Tampere-talo Ltd is Finland’s largest and most versatile cultural and congress center and event company in terms of repertoire, events, and number of visitors.

Tampere-talo Ltd focuses on promoting culture and the arts, and makes these accessible to various target groups through concert activities, Tampere Opera, visiting stage activities, and its own content concepts.

In addition, the venue houses the full-scale Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, the à la carte restaurant Tuhto, and the world’s only Moomin Museum. Adjacent to the hall is the Courtyard by Marriott hotel.


Find out more:

Tampere Hall address: Yliopistonkatu 55, FI-33100 Tampere (map link)

How to reach the venue: Click here to find information about the arriving


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