Opening times:

Exhibition is open from Tuesday March 19, 19:00 until March 21, 15.45

Get together and all the coffee breaks are organized in the exhibition area. Click here to see the programme. 

Exhibition map can be found here!


Exhibition building partner:

Partner package includes the space (2 x 2 m, height 2 m), electricity, table & chair (click for photo). If you wish to order any extra items i.e. screen, furniture, lights etc., please contact our partner Taikalyhty. 

For extras please see: https://taikalyhty.fi/en/vuokraamo/

Contact Taikalyhty: taikalyhty@taikalyhty.fi

Deadline for Taikalyhty orders is March 5, 2024


Catering for your exhibition spot:

You can order catering for your exhibition spot. Contact person for orders is Pauliina Linnasalo, pauliina.linnasalo@paasitorni.fi, p. +358 9 7089 696

Deadline for orders is March 13, 2024.


Building and dismantling times:

Building time on Tuesday March 19
17.00 Exhibitors' building time starts (If you have ordered items from Taikalyhty they will be delivered to your spot)
19.00 Get together at the exhibition area

Dismantling on Thursday March 21
15.45 onwards Dismantling time


Delivering goods to Paasitorni

You can deliver goods to Paasitorni earliest on March 13. The address for the deliveries is Paasitorni, Paasivuorenkatu 5 A, FIN-00530 Helsinki, Finland

 The delivery should be clearly marked with the following information: AI in AEC 2024 Conference and the name of the exhibitor organization. Paasitorni will not pick up any deliveries, nor send them back. The exhibitors are themselves responsible for sending their material back (ordering the delivery and preparing the documents for that).